U.S. Air Force Salary

Per Month

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U.S. Air Force Salary

U.S. Air Force Salary Per Month

Joining the U.S. Air Force is a noble career choice that comes with various benefits, including competitive pay. Understanding the monthly salary of Air Force personnel can help potential recruits and their families plan financially. In this article, we’ll break down the monthly salary structure for different ranks in the U.S. Air Force.

Monthly Salary Overview

The U.S. Air Force salary is structured based on rank and years of service. The pay scale is updated annually and provides a clear framework for earnings at different levels. Here, we’ll explore the basic monthly pay for enlisted personnel, non-commissioned officers (NCOs), and officers.

Enlisted Personnel

Enlisted personnel are the backbone of the Air Force, performing essential duties across various fields. The starting salary for an Airman Basic (E-1) with less than two years of service is approximately $1,833 per month. As they gain experience and promotions, their pay increases:

  • Airman (E-2): $2,055 per month
  • Airman First Class (E-3): $2,160 – $2,435 per month
  • Senior Airman (E-4): $2,393 – $2,905 per month

Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs)

NCOs hold leadership positions and play a crucial role in maintaining discipline and efficiency within the ranks. Their salaries reflect their added responsibilities:

  • Staff Sergeant (E-5): $2,610 – $3,704 per month
  • Technical Sergeant (E-6): $2,849 – $4,413 per month
  • Master Sergeant (E-7): $3,294 – $5,921 per month


Officers hold command positions and are responsible for strategic decision-making and leadership. Their pay is higher due to the increased responsibility:

  • Second Lieutenant (O-1): $3,637 – $4,576 per month
  • First Lieutenant (O-2): $4,190 – $5,511 per month
  • Captain (O-3): $4,849 – $7,185 per month
  • Major (O-4): $5,516 – $9,057 per month

Additional Pay and Benefits

In addition to the base salary, Air Force personnel may receive various allowances and benefits, including housing allowance, food allowance, and special duty pay. These additional compensations can significantly increase the overall monthly income.

The U.S. Air Force offers a structured and competitive salary that grows with rank and years of service. Whether you’re just starting your career or have been serving for years, the financial rewards are substantial.

For a detailed breakdown of salaries and more information, visit PerMonth.us.

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